The last hour of comic relief in the very early hours of Saturday morning was rather uncomfortable. As the night wore on it was announced that Fearne Cotton would appear once more in her bathing suit if enough people texted in with donations. Ms Cotton's discomfort and anxiety at uncovering, for as good a cause as it is, was palpable. Having been asked several times she offered a seemingly reluctant acquiescence to it.
The grand finale of the night became the uncovering of a young woman who did not seem entirely comfortable with it, but coerced by a good cause.
How on earth did that happen? Please don't take this as a derogation of that very good cause, but it seems good sense and some decency fled the scene in the wee hours; good causes, especially the best of causes needs always to be wary and sensible lest they cross the line.
(Please go now to the Red Nose Day site and contribute to the best of causes.)
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